Welcome to our website - InterAC is your partner for Vibroacoustic Design   

InterAC offers high-tech engineering services in numerical vibroacoustic and in methodology in various domains as aeronautics, automotive, building, defence, energy, mechanical, railway, spatial:

  • Predicting studies and numerical optimization of dynamic systems
  • Software development dedicated to Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), Experimental SEA (ESEA) and Virtual SEA (VSEA). Introducing VSEA technology in the design phase leads to cost reduction in prototyping and testing; VSEA enhances SEA modeling of complex structures by using Finite Element model to perform vibrational tests, improving models reliability
  • Participation to Research Projects 
  • Training for engineers: calculation and measurement based on SEA method

Vibroacoustic predictive technology is based on Finite Element (FE) analysis for Low Frequencies (LF) and on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) for High Frequencies (HF). Using our core technology based on Experimental SEA (ESEA) or with SEA-XP or SEA-TEST software, you can break the gap between FE and SEA by creating Virtual SEA (VSEA) or model from FE computation. You can also correlate your measurement in a fast and easy way with your modeling.

Please, navigate in our website and do not hesitate to send us an email for questions and more information (Contact us).       Download our brochure





Some applications:

  • Analysis of sound transmissions and vibrations in railway and automotive vehicles,
  • Simulation of pyrotechnic separation of satellites and launchers,
  • Origin of noise in wind turbines,
  • Experimental SEA on ships...

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