

Research Projects


CAPCYD (CAPteur de pression CYlindre pour moteur Diesel, leader: SIEMENS VDO; support: ADEME) 2004-2006
- Optimization of pressure transducer in spark plug, improvement of the design of a glow plug equipped with sensor to optimize sensor behavior and fatigue life.

ERTAC (leader: TRÈVES; support: EUREKA) 2001-2003
- Optimization of internal acoustic design of a car. InterAC was responsible for evaluating SEA capabilities in full car-body vehicle modeling including trim with improvement of insertion loss calculation in presence of curvature.

REBECA (REduction du Bruit Extérieur dans la Conception Automobile, leader: PSA; support: ADEME) 2006-2009
- Optimization of external acoustic radiations of a car. Main target of the REBECA project was to develop the methodology to address the European Standard pass-by noise test and predicting the radiating noise at a distance. InterAC was responsible for fundamental development on SEA methodology to provide predictive theory in case of non-uniform distributed damping in complex-shaped acoustic cavities (under bonnet acoustic volumes), presently not covered by classical analytical SEA in the general coupling case.

SONVERT (Nuisance SONore des VEhicules RouTiers, leader: FAURECIA; support: ADEME) 2005-2008
- Simulation of car external noise sources. The objective of the SONVERT project was to develop a methodology to characterize the car noise emission as a macro-acoustic source for further use in environmental impact studies. The macro-source is defined on a reference surface including all apertures between internal acoustic cavities and the external surrounding air. InterAC task was to provide the acoustic power radiated by all the apertures in operating conditions using SEA modeling of internal acoustic area. These data were then linked to other propagation techniques (ray-tracing or BEM) by other companies participating to the project.

ACOUTHERM (leader: FCBA; support: ADEME) 2007-2010
- Acoustical and thermal interactions for building wood systems

PANACOUSTIQUE 2 (leader: FCBA; support: ADEME) 2005-2008
- Modeling vibroacoustic transmission of double-glazing with rolling shutters and timber frame

VIRTUALBAT (leader: EFIA CONSULTING; support: ADEME) 2012-2015
- Tools and database of simulation of the acoustic and thermal performances in the wood structures

SILENT TIMBER BUILD (Coordinator: SP Wood Technology; a WoodWisdom-Net Research Programme) 2014-2017
- Silent Timber Build for the European Market



Vibroacoustic Applications


- Analysis of acoustic and vibration transfers in an aircraft cockpit using energy method

- Development of SEA models of a TGV passenger coach and experimental validation

- Development of SEA models of railway and suburban vehicles and experimental validation
- Development of SEA models of a TGV passenger coach and experimental validation
- Development of SEA models of a TGV driver's cabin and experimental validation

- Qualification procedure of a microgravity experiment for random vibrations

- SEA model of payloads for random acoustic responses, for pyroshock responses
- FE and SEA models of Ariane 4 & 5 for pyroshock response prediction
- Shock synthesis using SEA

CNES-SEP-InterAC-VIBRIA Research Study
- Identification of vibrational sources and quantification of associated injected powers from acceleration measurements

- Prediction of machinery noise and nuclear power plants sound transmission using SEA

- Acoustic design of the space station COLUMBUS

ESTEC-CNES-Airbus Defence & Space (former name Astrium)-InterAC
: Use of Statistical Energy Analysis for MICro-Vibration Analysis
- METAMIC: METhodology for Analysis of Structure Borne MICro-Vibration

PSA Peugeot Citroën Automobile S.A.
- Development of SEA model of car cabins, floors and applications of Virtual SEA

- Prediction and optimisation of noise in driver's cabin of a truck using SEA model

- SEA model of a double glass development

- Qualification procedure for the cryogenic rocket engine Vulcain of the Ariane 5 European launch vehicle:
      - Vibroacoustic model for the engine (SEA)
      - Acoustical improvement of the ground test facilities for Vulcain acoustic qualification at lift-off

- Development of an acoustic device for lift-off qualification of the cryogenic engine of Ariane 5

Wind Turbine Manufacturer
- SEA model and experimental SEA of wind turbine

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