Dr. Borello's Publications



  1. Le bruit des presses dans l'industrie française, G. Borello (CETIM)
    7th International Congress on Sheet Metal, 1982, Birmingham, U. K.

  2. Réduction du bruit de détente dans les presses de découpage, G. Borello (CETIM)
    11th International Congress of Acoustic, 1983, Paris, France

  3. The Use of a Scale Model to Investigate the Noise Sources on a 200-Ton Power Press, G. Borello (CETIM), G. Stimpson (ISVR)
    Inter-Noise 1983, Edinburgh, U. K.

  4. -10 dBA, sans capot, sur une presse de poinçonnage, G. Borello, B. Corlay (CETIM)
    CETIM-Informations n° 88, décembre 1984

  5. Le bruit des presses de découpage et d'emboutissage, G. Borello
    Thesis of Dr Engineer (UTC), avril 1984

  6. Réponses basses fréquences de structures axisymétriques en bruit diffus, G. Borello (CNES)
    Spacecraft Structures Conference, (ESA SP-238, April 1986), CNES Toulouse, France

  7. Acoustic Intensity Techniques Applied to Parameter Identification of Noise under a Fairing through a SEA model, G. Borello (CNES)
    AIAA Dynamic Specialists Conference, p. 844-850, April 1987, Monterey, CA, USA

  8. Numerical Methods for the Prediction of Internal Vibroacoustic Environment of Space Vehicle, G. Borello (CNES)
    Inter-Noise 1987, Beijing, China

  9. Utilisation de modèles de calcul prévisionnel vibro-acoustique dans le programme Ariane, G. Borello (CNES)
    Premier colloque du G.R.E.C.O., Calcul des Structures, 1987, Giens, France

  10. Sound Transmission Studies of some Ariane Structures (Acoustic Optimization of Light-weighted Aerospace Structures), G. Borello (CNES), A. Blaise, C. Lesueur, M. Gotteland, M. Barbe (L.V.A.)
    Inter-Noise 1988, Avignon, France

  11. Interior Noise Control of Spacecraft Launch Vehicles, G. Borello (CNES), N. Pinder (ISVR), I. U. Borchers (DORNIER)
    IAF Congress, 1989, Malaga, Spain

  12. Low Frequency Noise Prediction of Internal Acoustic Environment of a Launch Vehicle at Lift-off, G. Borello (CNES)
    Inter-Noise 1989, Newport Beach, CA, USA

  13. Utilisation de l'hélium pour la protection acoustique des lanceurs, G. Borello (CNES)
    ASTE 1990, Paris, France

  14. Payload Configuration Influence of the Ariane 4 Launcher on the Internal Acoustic Environment at Lift-off, G. Borello (Intespace)
    Inter-Noise 1990, Göteburg, Sweden

  15. Utilisation du principe de réciprocité pour le calcul de la réponse vibratoire aléatoire d'une structure à une excitation acoustique, G. Borello (Consulting Engineer)
    Réunion GAIE, CNAM, 8 Novembre 1990, Paris, France

  16. Effect of the Payload on the Surrounding Internal Acoustic Environment at Lift-off, G. Borello (consulting engineer)
    Spacecraft Structures and Mechanical Testing, ESA/ESTEC, 1991, Noorwijk, The Netherlands

  17. SEA Approach of Vibroacoustic Behaviour of Complex Structures, G. Borello (Consulting Engineer)
    International Congress: Prediction of the Noise emitted by Vibrating Structures, SFA/SFM, CETIM, 1991, Senlis, France

  18. Identification of SEA Coupling Loss Factors on a Liquid Rocket Engine, G. Borello (consulting engineer), Alliot, A. Kernilis (SEP)
    Inter-Noise 1991, Sydney, Australia

  19. Identification des mécanismes de dissipation vibroacoustique dans une coiffe de lanceur à l'aide de l'analyse statistique énergétique en régime transitoire, G. Borello (Consulting Engineer)
    ASTE 1991, Ecole polytechnique de Palaiseau, France

  20. Quelques aspects des problèmes vibroacoustiques des lanceurs spatiaux, G. Borello (Consulting Engineer)
    Rencontres Scientifiques du Cinquantenaire du LMA (Publications LMA N° 126), 1991, Marseille, France

  21. Energy-based Structural Modelling – A Practical Approach for Complex Structures, G. Borello (Consulting Engineer), G. Stimpson, N. Lalor (ISVR)
    2nd French Acoustical Congress, 1992, Arcachon, France

  22. Vibrational Energy Prediction of the Response of the Vulcain Rocket Engine Using a Mixed FET/SEA Analysis, G. Borello (consulting engineer)
    Inter-Noise 1992, Toronto, Canada

  23. Modelling an Industrial Machine Using SEA, G. Borello (consulting engineer), D. Nahya, A. Adobes (EDF)
    Acoustics '93, 1993, Southampton, U. K.

  24. Use of Vibroacoustic Predictive Techniques for Space Vehicle Development, G. Borello (consulting engineer)
    Acoustics '93, 1993, Southampton, U. K.

  25. Combining SEA and FET Modelling for Prediction of Local Vibrations: Applications to a Beam Network, G. Borello (consulting engineer)
    Inter-Noise 1993 (late papers), Leuven, Belgium

  26. Vibroacoustic Environment of Rocket Engines, G. Borello (consulting engineer), A.Kernilis, R. Gazave (SEP), P. Esparcieux (Vibria)
    International Symposium Acoustic and Vibratory Ambience of Space Transport Systems, 1994, Jouy en Josas, France

  27. Vibroacoustic Analysis of a Manned Spacecraft Using SEA, G. Borello (InterAC), G. Alonso, M. Klein (ESTEC)
    NOISE-CON 94, 1994, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

  28. Columbus APM : In-orbit Vibro-acoustic Analysis Using SEA, G. Alonso, M. Klein (ESTEC), G. Borello (InterAC)
    ISMA 19, 1994, Leuven, Belgium

  29. Modelling of a Double Decker Railway Vehicle by the Statistical Energy Analysis, G. Borello (InterAC), O. Leost (Gec Alsthom)
    Euro-Noise 1995, Lyon, France

  30. System Model of a High Speed Train Passenger Coach Using SEA and Prediction in Working Conditions, G. Borello (InterAC), P. Geoffroy (De Dietrich), N. Cuny (Gec Alsthom)
    Inter-Noise 1995, Newport Beach, CA, USA

  31. Damping and Coupling Loss Factors Estimation in SEA Method: What is Really Measured?, M. Rosen, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 1996, Liverpool, U. K.

  32. Use of SEA to Reduce Noise in the Driver’s Cabin of a TGV High Speed Train, G. Borello (InterAC), A. Fages (Gec Alsthom)
    ISMA 21, 1996, Leuven, Belgium

  33. Application of SEA to the Analysis of Vibration Response of Car Cabin, G. Borello (InterAC)
    1st International Conference: Control and Diagnostics in Automotive Applications, 1996, Genova, Italy

  34. Méthodes prévisionnelles vibroacoustiques hautes fréquences pour l’aide à la conception de véhicules silencieux, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Colloque qualité acoustique des aéronefs, Auditorium du Salon du Bourget , 1997, Le Bourget, France

  35. Predicting Noise Transmision in a Truck Cabin Using the Statistical Energy Analysis Approach, G. Borello (InterAC)
    IUATM Symposium, 1997, Southampton, U. K.

  36. Overview of the Experimental Approach to Statistical Energy Analysis, B. Cimerman (VASci), T. Bharj (Ford Motor), G. Borello (InterAC)
    SAE-Noise and Vibration Conference, 1997, Detroit, IL, USA

  37. Outils d’analyse prévisionnelle vibroacoustique hautes fréquences, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Table Ronde MV2, 26 mars 1998, Pôle Universitaire Léonard-de-Vinci, Paris La Défense, France

  38. Applications industrielles de la SEA, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Journée Vibro-acoustique : Le point sur les outils de modélisation, 9 juin 1998, CTTM Le Mans, France

  39. Prediction and Control of Structure Borne Noise Transfers in Vehicles Using SEA, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Euro-Noise 1998, Munich, Germany

  40. Acoustic Qualification of Ariane 5 Vulcain Engine, A. Kernilis, F. Desnot (SEP), G. Borello (InterAC)
    European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing, 1998, Braunscheweig, Germany (ESEA SP-428, February 1999)

  41. Détermination hautes fréquences des efforts exercés par un composant sur un ensemble de structures, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Colloque : Concevoir plus silencieux, INRS, 1999, Nancy, France

  42. Applications SEA à la conception de véhicules silencieux, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Colloque : Prise en compte de la vibroacoustique en milieu industriel IPSI,18 novembre 1999, Paris, France

  43. Analysis of Wave Propagation in Pyrotechnical Shock Tests, G. Borello (InterAC)
    1st European Conference on Launcher Technology, 1999, Toulouse, France

  44. AutoSEA Version 2.1 – Integrating Test into the Noise and Vibration Design Process, P. Bremner (VASci), G. Borello (InterAC)
    1st International AutoSEA Users Conference, 2000, San Diego, CA, USA

  45. Development of Industrial SEA Models, G. Borello (InterAC)
    NOVEM 2000, Lyon, France

  46. Feasibility of Experimental Determination of SEA Damping Loss Factors of Submarine Structures, G. Borello (InterAC), C. Audoly (DCN Ingénierie)
    Inter-Noise 2000, Nice, France

  47. Test-based Simulation Bridges the Gap between Test and CAE for Spacecraft Vibro-Acoustic, C. Kaminsky (VASci), G. Borello (InterAC)
    19th Aerospace Testing Seminar, 2000, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA

  48. Prediction of Aerospace Equipment Response to Pyrotechnical Shock Using SEA, G. Borello (InterAC)
    VETOMAC-1, 2000, Bangalore, India

  49. Pyrotechnic Shock Response Predictions Combining Statistical Energy Analysis and Local Random Phase Reconstruction, E. Baudin, B. Brevard (Alcatel Space Industry), P. Wagstaff (UTC Compiègne), G. Borello (InterAC)
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 112, iss. n. 1, p. 156-163, July 2002

  50. Pyroshocks Response Prediction of Aerospace Equipment in the High Frequency Domain, G. Borello (InterAC), H. Gzreskowiak (MBDA)
    ECSSMMT (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanichal Testing), 2002, Toulouse, France

  51. Prediction of High Frequency Shock Response of a Satellite Using SEA, G. Borello (InterAC), V. Cipolla (CNES)
    ECSSMMT (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanichal Testing), 2002, Toulouse, France

  52. Vibroacoustic Response of Calipso Spacecraft Using SEA, G. Borello (InterAC), J.-N. Bricout, A. Pradines (CNES)
    Vibroacoustic Users Conference, 2003, Leuven, Belgium

  53. Virtual SEA: Mid-Frequency Structure-Borne Noise Modeling Based on Finite Element Analysis, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini & al. (PSA)
    SAE-Noise and Vibration Conference, 2003, Traverse City, MI, USA

  54. Combining Finite Element and SEA approach in Vibroacoustic Analysis, G. Borello, A. Courjal, R. Nguyen Van Lan (InterAC)
    7th French Congress in Acoustics, 2004, Strasbourg, France

  55. Virtual SEA – FEA – Based Modelling of Mid-Frequency Structure-Borne Noise, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini, L. Houillon (PSA), L. Petrinelli (Geci Systems)
    Sound and Vibration Magazine, January 2005

  56. Analyzing Structure-Borne Sound Transmission in Car Body Using Combined FE/SEA Techniques, G. Borello, A. Courjal, R. Nguyen Van Lan (InterAC)
    SIAT 2005, Pune, India

  57. Vibroacoustic Analysis of Sound Transmission in Double-Glass Timber Windows, G. Borello (InterAC), J.-L. Kouyoumji (CTBA)
    Inter-Noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  58. Modelling Payloads Using SEA for Vibroacoustic and Shock Prediction, G. Borello, A. Courjal (InterAC)
    ASTELAB 2005, Paris, France

  59. From Finite Element Modeling to SEA Using Virtual SEA, G. Borello (InterAC)
    WESPAC IX, 2006, Seoul, South Korea

  60. Applications of Virtual SEA to Structure Borne Sound Investigations, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini, D. Thenail (PSA), A. Duval (Faurecia), A. Pradines (CNES)
    Inter-Noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  61. Analyse statistique énergétique SEA & Applications industrielles de la SEA (in French), G. Borello
    Techniques de l’ingénieur, R 6 215v1, Décembre 2006 (mis à jour/Update v2 2012) et R 6 216, December 2006

  62. Virtual SEA: Towards an Industrial Process, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini (PSA)
    SAE-Noise and Vibration Conference 2007, Saint Charles, IL, USA

  63. Virtual SEA for Noise Prediction and Structure Borne Sound Modeling, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini, D. Thenail (PSA)
    Rieter Automotive Conference 2007, Pfaffikon, Switzerland

  64. Punch Press Noise: a Review, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Noise at Work 2007: First European Forum on Effective Solutions for Managing Occupational Noise Risks, Lille, France

  65. Improvement of SEA Modeling by Hybridization Techniques, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Vibro-Acoustic Consortium, 2008, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

  66. Sound Transmission Loss of Timber Construction, Measurements and Modeling Using SEAWOOD, a Statistical Energy Analysis Software for Leight Weight Constructions, J.-L. Kouyoumji (FCBA), G. Borello (InterAC), E. Thibier (ADEME)
    Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China

  67. Statistical Energy Analysis Limits for Car Acoustic Radiation: an Alternative Approach, G. Borello, A. Borello, J. Primus (InterAC), L. Gagliardini (PSA)
    Poster for Acoustic's 2008 (2407), Paris, France

  68. Virtual Statistical Energy Analysis for Vibroacoustic Industrial Predictions, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Gagliardini, D. Thenail (PSA)
    Poster for Acoustic's 2008 (2432), Paris, France

  69. Analyse SEA des transmissions acoustiques et solidiennes des systèmes immergés : application à la modélisation d'une structure arrière de navire, G. Borello (InterAC), S. Boiteau (DCNS), P. Esparcieux (Vibria)
    Journées Acoustique et Applications Navales, 24-25 novembre 2008, Marseille, France

  70. SONVERT: Hybrid Traffic Noise Simulation Approach, J.-F. Rondeau, A. Duval, C. Morgenstern (Faurecia), G. Borello (InterAC), S. Frikha, A. Gallet (ESI-France), P. Jean, N. Noe (CSTB)
    SAE-Noise and Vibration Conference, 2009, Saint Charles, Il, USA

  71. Stratégie d'hybridation des données de calcul et d'essais, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Faites de la mesure, 2009, Brüel & Kjaer, Mennecy, France

  72. Prediction of Payload Shock Responses in the Mid and High Frequency Range, G. Borello, J. Primus, R. Nguyen Van Lan (InterAC), S. Kiryenko (ESA)
    ECSSMMT (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing), 2009, Toulouse, France

  73. Virtual SEA Analysis of a Warship, G. Borello (InterAC)
    CFA10, 2010, Lyon, France

  74. Analysis of Energy Transfer of Vibrational Fields in the Medium and High Frequency Range, G. Borello (InterAC)
    4th ECCM (European Conference on Computational Mechanics), 2010, PALAIS des CONGRES, Paris, France

  75. Prediction of Vibratory and Acoustic Transparency in Wooden Buildings, G. Borello (InterAC), J.-L. Kouyoumji (FCBA)
    Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan

  76. SEA for Vibroacoustic and Shock Analysis of Aerospace Vehicles, G. Borello (InterAC)
    LMS: European Aerospace Conference, 2011, Toulouse, France

  77. Modeling Vehicles in the Mid and High Frequency Range in Energy Domain, G. Borello (InterAC)
    SIA: Acoustic Simulation Workshop, 2011, Paris, Saint-Ouen, France

  78. Virtual SEA Method for Analyzing Micro-Vibrations of Spacecrafts, G. Borello (InterAC), L. Soula, G. Ozenne (Astrium), G. Laduree (ESA), I. Maussag (CNES)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2012, ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands

  79. Virtual Acoustic Testing of Spacecraft over a Broad Frequency Range Using FEM, BEM and SEA, K. Vansant, K. De Langhe, A. Courjal (LMS), G. Borello (InterAC)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2012, ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands

  80. Prediction of Sound Transmission in Complex Composite Structures in the Mid and High Frequency Range, G. Borello (InterAC)
    DYNACOMP (First International Conference on Composites Dynamics), 2012, Arcachon, France

  81. Prediction of Sound Transmission in Complex Timber-framed Structures in the Mid and High Frequency Range, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 2012, New York, USA

  82. ANALYSE STATISTIQUE ENERGETIQUE (SEA: Statistical Energy Analysis) de l'environnement vibroacoustique (in French), G. Borello
    TECHNIQUES de L'INGENIEUR, R 6 215v2, 2012 (R 6 215v1, 2006 [62] MIS A JOUR et ajout du paragraphe: DIMENSION FINIE DES LIAISONS ENTRE SOUS-SYSTEMES SEA)

  83. Prediction of Random Vibration and Acoustic Responses by Compression of the Statistical Dynamical Information of FEM Models, G. Borello (InterAC)
    MEDYNA (1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics), 2013, Marrakech, Morocco

  84. Modeling Timber-framed Multi-layered Panels by Combining Transfer Matrix Approach with SEA and FEM, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Austria

  85. Virtual SEA Method Applied to Payload Vibration Prediction of Microgravity and Vibroacoustic Environment, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle Dynamic Environments Workshop, 2014, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, USA

  86. Hybrid Energy-based Vibroacoustic Modeling Using Virtual and Analytical SEA, G. Borello (InterAC)
    EURODYN ( IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics), 2014, Porto, Portugal

  87. Challenges for Acoustic Calculation Models in "Silent Timber Build", D. Bard (Lund University), G. Borello (InterAC), C. Guigou (CSTB), J.-L. Kouyoumji (FCBA)
    ICSV 21 (21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration), 2014, Beijing, China

  88. Challenges for Acoustic Calculation Models in "Silent Timber Build" Part 1-FEM, D. Bard, J. Negreira (Lund University), J.-L. Kouyoumji (FCBA), G. Borello (InterAC), C. Guigou (CSTB)
    Inter-Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia

  89. Challenges for Acoustic Calculation Models in "Silent Timber Build" Part 2, J.-L. Kouyoumji (FCBA), D. Bard (Lund University), G. Borello (InterAC), C. Guigou (CSTB)
    Inter-Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia

  90. Dynamic Laminate Model for Broadband Frequency Prediction, G. Borello (InterAC), A. Duval (Faurecia)
    Inter-Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia

  91. Analysis of Acoustic and Vibration Transfers in an Aircraft Cockpit Using Energy Method, G. Borello, H. Défosse (InterAC), M. Etchessahar, F. Vieuille, F. Ayme (Airbus)
    Inter-Noise 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA

  92. A New Laminate Model for Broadband Frequency Analysis, G. Borello (InterAC)
    DYNCOMP' 2015, Arles, France

  93. Evolution des méthodes de calcul vibroacoustique des systèmes industriels en fonction de la fréquence, G. Borello (InterAC)
    CFA 2016, Le Mans, France

  94. Broadband Prediction of Sound and Vibration Transmission through Aircraft Fuselage, G. Borello (InterAC), S. Callsen (AIRBUS)
    Inter-Noise 2016, Hamburg, Germany

  95. Prediction of Light Rail Vehicle Noise in Running Condition using SEA, S. Preis (Siemens AG Austria Urban Transport), G. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 2016, Hamburg, Germany

  96. Predicting Noise Transmission in Complex Multi-Layers Systems Combining SEA and Transfer Matrix Methods, G. Borello (InterAC)
    ICSV23 (23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration), 2016, Athens, Greece

  97. Modeling Complex Dynamical Systems in MF Range Combining FEM and Energy Methods, G. Borello (InterAC)
    ICCM 2016 (7th International Conference on Computational Methods), Berkeley, CA, USA

  98. Acoustic Response of Spacecraft Equipment and Shock Response from SEA Prediction, G. Borello (InterAC)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2016, Toulouse, France

  99. Prediction of Acoustic and Shock Responses of Spacecrafts over Broadband Frequency Range, G. Borello (InterAC)
    MEDYNA (2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics), 2017, Sevilla, Spain

  100. Simulation of Finite-Sized Dynamic Systems Using Wave Transmission Methods, G. Borello (InterAC)
    MEDYNA (2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics), 2017, Sevilla, Spain

  101. Improved Pyrotechnic Shock Scaling Method Based on Shock Response Spectrum and Statistical Energy Analysis, J. Hwang, J. Fernandez (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), G. Borello (InterAC)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2018, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

  102. Prediction of Sound Transmission in Aircraft over the Mid and High Frequency Range, G. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 2018, Chicago, IL, USA

  103. Narrow Band Analysis of Structure Borne Noise in Complex Dynamical Systems Using Energy Method, G. Borello (InterAC), I. Abettan, T. Lambert, L. Gagliardini (PSA)
    ISMA 2018, Leuven, Belgium

  104. Fast Broadband Curved Insertion Loss Simulation of an Inner Dash Insulator Using a Cylindrical Transfer Matrix Method Spectral Approach, A. Duval, M. Goret (Trèves), G. Borello (InterAC)
    SAE-NVC 2019 (paper 1583), Grand Rapids, MI, USA

  105. Construction of Large and Accurate Energy-based Vibroacoustic Models using Vibrational Intensity Approach Combined to Virtual SEA Analysis, G. Borello, R. Borello (InterAC)
    Inter-Noise 2019, Madrid, Spain

  106. Aircraft Panel Curvature Interaction on Acoustic Insertion and Transmission Loss Performances, G. Borello (InterAC)
    ICSV26 (26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration), 2019, Montreal, Canada

  107. Pyroshock Impact Modeling Using Statistical Energy Analysis, E. Cavro, P.-E. Dupuis (AIRBUS DS), G. Borello (InterAC), E. Raynal (CNES)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2021 (Virtual conference)

  108. A reliability Study Concerning the Acoustic Simulations of Timber Elements for Building , M. Caniato a , A. Gasparella a, F. Bettarello b, A. Santoni c, P. Fausti c, N. Granzotto d, F.X. Bécot e, F. Chevillotte e, L. Jaouen e, G. Borello f, O. Robin g, N. Atalla g
    Free University of Bozen
    University of Trieste
    University of Ferrara
    University of Brescia
    g University of Sherbrooke
    ELSEVIER, Construction and Building Materials, 2021

  109. Simulation of Acoustic Responses of Spacecraft under Multiples Arrays of Sound Sources, G. Borello (InterAC), P.-E. Dupuis, M. fernandes (AIRBUS DS)
    ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing), 2023, Toulouse, France

